In which I pack for an extended business trip, when I am used to packing for a 15-minute commute:
So here's the deal: The trip is nearly two weeks long and involves two climates (Loveland, Colorado and San Diego), professional clothes & play clothes, technical equipment AND, believe it or not empty space for product samples from TNNA.
Here's what I did: I laid out all the clothes I thought might work for the trip. Then I put a fourth of them away. Then I put another fourth of them away. And it all almost fit.
Because here's the other thing I needed to pack (I neglected to mention this, because in my life it's a given): Enough knitting and crochet projects to last two weeks. Including many hours on a plane or waiting for a plane. That's a good bit of knitting & crocheting. I initially planned to bring five projects. I scaled back to three, then, at the last minute snuck in one more.
One project is socks. On the last trip, I finished a whole sock in three days (including several hours of plane travel/waiting & one meeting). So when I packed the sock stuff, I asked Joe, So do I pack enough yarn to make both socks? Without missing a beat, he said, I think you do. I love that man.
I squished and pushed and repacked the bags so that I could fit my favorite boots -- leaving behind some pants and a sweater.
Note that at no point did I consider – or did my husband suggest – that we leave out any of the yarn.
1 comment:
Thanks, for now I know like you what's it like to be almost a zombie. After being down sized I am down sizing my life. What was a need is now a frill. I not only fear getting sick but also fear anything breaking. Tock tick means each week or may be month goes by means less economic worth and less chance of working. Sure I've lots of time but little leverage to spend it for econmic gain
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