

Well, it's Sunday.
And I've nearly recovered from Friday.
Shortly after I arrived at the yarn shop on Friday, I answered the phone. The woman on the other end wanted to know if we had any special hours or special sales going on. Since it was Black Friday and all. Nope, I told her. Just the usual fun.
Well, you'd have thought there was something going on. We were jammed all day -- biggest sales day yet by far for me. Whole families came in, looking to do something while everyone was together for Thanksgiving. Moms were teaching daughters to knit; grandmoms were selecting yarn to make gifts for all the grandkids (and, yes, all the grandkids came in to pick out their own yarn). We had buckets of yarn waiting to find a new home on the shelves.
It was a madhouse. And at the end of the day, I was done.
The day before, I had logged three miles on my Trikke (three miles on a Trikke, btw, is not like three miles on a bike -- it's a full-body experience). So my body was really, really done.
Saturday, I read & wrote. And Sunday, we all did this.
And, now, I'm just about ready to head back to the yarn shop tomorrow.

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